Re: [PATCH] drivers: usb: gadget: prefer pr_*() functions over raw printk()

From: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Date: Thu Dec 10 2020 - 04:59:59 EST

On 09.12.20 12:27, Laurent Pinchart wrote:


>>> I wonder if this shouldn't be dropped instead, commented-out code isn't
>>> very useful.
>> Indeed. Shall I send a separate patch for that ?
> Yes, that would make sense.

Okay, I'm currently doing a more in-depth rework. I'll send another
patch queue later.

Since I don't own the corresponding devices, I can't do much testing
(just build tests and careful review), so I need some help w/ that.

> As most of the files touched by this patch are device drivers, dev_*()
> functions should be used instead of pr_*() where possible. I'd recommend
> a first patch that converts to dev_*(), and then a second patch that
> converts the remaining printk()s, if any, to pr_*() in the contexts
> where no struct device is available or can easily be made available.

I'm now splitting it into per-driver patches. They're getting a bit
bigger, since I'm also replacing some debug macros, etc. In some cases
I'm introducing new helpers for not having to write long expressions
to get the actual dev ptr, adding some prefixes (eg. per usb endpoint
logging, ...).


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info@xxxxxxxxx -- +49-151-27565287