Re: [PATCH] printk: ringbuffer: Convert function argument to local variable

From: John Ogness
Date: Tue Nov 10 2020 - 08:14:39 EST

On 2020-11-10, Nikolay Borisov <nborisov@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> data_alloc's 2nd argument is always rb::text_data_ring and that functino
> always takes a struct printk_ringbuffer. Instead of passing the data
> ring buffer as an argument simply make it a local variable.

This is a relic of when we had a second data ring (for
dictionaries). The patch is a nice cleanup, but there are actually
several functions that could use this exact same cleanup:

- data_make_reusable()
- data_push_tail()
- data_alloc()
- data_realloc()

Perhaps we should fix them all in a single patch?

John Ogness