Re: [PATCH 0/6] Add support for MCP25XXFD SPI-CAN Network driver

From: Marc Kleine-Budde
Date: Wed Sep 16 2020 - 16:38:04 EST

On 9/16/20 6:07 AM, Manivannan Sadhasivam wrote:
>>> Just a quick question: I don't see any activity on this specific driver for
>>> sometime (back in Martin days itself). Is it due to lack of reviewers or
>>> it is due to the patch size (lines of code) so that nobody is interested
>>> in reviewing?
>> If you look around, there are currently several versions of mcp251x
>> driver around, shipped by hardware vendors who glue the chip on there
>> SOM etc.
>> Until something more-or-less clean becomes mainline, the effort remains
>> spread.
>> A problem to import a complete driver is that ... its complete.
>> There was an suggestion to split into several patches, but that does not
>> really affect the review work.
>> The original driver failed to initialize under a loaded CAN bus, on my
>> desk. The current driver is more cleanly written than the original
>> and it seems to survive more than 1 use case (although I have a MAB overflow
>> report pending to investigate).
>> So, this is a good candidate for mainline.
> I just saw that you've pushed these patches to your testing branch. Does this
> mean that you're going to include it in v5.10 PR?

yes, that's the plan.


Pengutronix e.K. | Marc Kleine-Budde |
Embedded Linux | |
Vertretung West/Dortmund | Phone: +49-231-2826-924 |
Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRA 2686 | Fax: +49-5121-206917-5555 |

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