Re: [PATCH v1] arm64: dts: actions: Fix smp Bringing up secondary CPUs

From: Andreas FÃrber
Date: Sun Jul 05 2020 - 18:09:49 EST

Hi Matheus,

Am 05.07.20 um 21:19 schrieb Matheus Castello:
Change the enable-method to fix the failed to boot errors:

[ 0.040330] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
[ 0.040683] psci: failed to boot CPU1 (-22)
[ 0.040691] CPU1: failed to boot: -22
[ 0.041062] psci: failed to boot CPU2 (-22)
[ 0.041071] CPU2: failed to boot: -22
[ 0.041408] psci: failed to boot CPU3 (-22)
[ 0.041417] CPU3: failed to boot: -22
[ 0.041443] smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU
[ 0.041451] SMP: Total of 1 processors activated.

Tested on Caninos Labrador v3 based on Actions Semi S700.

Signed-off-by: Matheus Castello <matheus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
arch/arm64/boot/dts/actions/s700.dtsi | 33 +++++++++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


For starters, if this were an actual fix, it should have a Fixes header.

Don't do random changes in a single patch and call it a "fix". I don't see what changing the cell size has to do with smp, nor adding L2 cache. The latter could be a patch of its own, after fixes are applied (to avoid conflicts when backporting that fix to older branches). A cell size of two used to be perfectly valid, please checking the DT binding.

Finally, you're changing generic S700 code here - you can't just break Cubieboard7 just because your Labrador has too old BL31 firmware. Can't you just update its TF-A firmware and use the standard PSCI interface for Linux? If not, then you should add your workaround to your module's/board's .dts(i) instead of the SoC's .dtsi.


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