Generic way for verifying GPIO wakeup capability

From: Pintu Agarwal
Date: Tue Jun 09 2020 - 13:36:26 EST

Hi All,

I am looking for ways to wakeup any devices (from sleep) using any
arbitrary gpio wakeup method in a generic way (either from user space
or kernel space) that should work on any kernel version (starting from
4.14 onwards).

What are the options available right now ?
I wanted to experiment with all of them and decide which is best for us.

Is /sys/class/gpio/ method still valid with the latest kernel ?
Or is there any other method to do it from user space ?

One option I know is to use enable/disable_irq_wake() API from kernel
driver suspend/resume path.
Just like this:

But this requires an additional kernel driver and device-tree changes
for each gpio wakeup, which the end-user needs to implement on their

Is there any other existing generic mechanism?
