Re: [PATCH RESEND] kernel/relay.c: fix read_pos error when multiple readers

From: Pengcheng Yang
Date: Fri Mar 20 2020 - 07:05:47 EST

On Fri, 24 Jan 2020 9:23:26 +0800 Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:06:15 +0800 Pengcheng Yang <yangpc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > When reading, read_pos should start with bytes_consumed,
> > not file->f_pos. Because when there is more than one reader,
> > the read_pos corresponding to file->f_pos may have been consumed,
> > which will cause the data that has been consumed to be read
> > and the bytes_consumed update error.
> That sounds fairly serious. Are you able to describe a userspace setup
> which will trigger this? Do you have any test code which is able to
> demonstrate the bug?
> We really should have a relay testcase in tools/testing, but relay came
> along before we became diligent about this.

Thanks for following this case!

The problem is that Relay uses the file->f_pos associated with
the process to read the buffer, and adds the number of bytes read
to rchan_buf->bytes_consumed.

Here is a simple test case, the kernel module relay_test writes
the string "12345678" in module_init through relay_write;
the relay_read program uses two processes to alternately
read 2 bytes from Relay.
It shows that process A reads the string "34" that has been
consumed by process B, and the string "56" may be skipped next.

Module relay_test:

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/relay.h>
#include <linux/debugfs.h>

static struct rchan *chan = NULL;
static struct dentry *dir = NULL;

static size_t subbuf_size = 512;
static int n_subbufs = 32;

static struct dentry *create_buf_file_handler(const char *filename,
struct dentry *parent,
umode_t mode,
struct rchan_buf *buf,
int *is_global)
return debugfs_create_file(filename, mode, parent, buf,

static int remove_buf_file_handler(struct dentry *dentry)
return 0;

static struct rchan_callbacks relay_callbacks = {
.create_buf_file = create_buf_file_handler,
.remove_buf_file = remove_buf_file_handler,

static int relay_init(void)
dir = debugfs_create_dir("relay_test", NULL);
if (!dir)
goto err;

chan = relay_open("cpu", dir, subbuf_size, n_subbufs, &relay_callbacks, NULL);
if (!chan) {
goto err;

relay_write(chan, "12345678", 9);

return 0;
return -EFAULT;

static void relay_exit(void)


Program relay_read:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main(void)
int pa[2], pb[2];
char buf[16], buf_r[16] = {0};
pid_t pid;

if (pipe(pa) || pipe(pb))
return -1;

if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
return -2;
} else if (pid > 0) { /* process A */
int relay_fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/relay_test/cpu0", O_RDONLY);
if (relay_fd < 0)
return -1;

/* expect to read "12" */
read(relay_fd, buf_r, 2);
printf("process A: read from relay %s\n", buf_r);

write(pa[1], "w", 2); /* wake up process B */
read(pb[0], buf, 256); /* wait */

/* BUG: expect to read "56"
* actually read "34" which is already consumed
read(relay_fd, buf_r, 2);
printf("process A: read from relay %s\n", buf_r);

} else { /* process B */
int relay_fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/relay_test/cpu0", O_RDONLY);
if (relay_fd < 0)
return -1;

read(pa[0], buf, 256); /* wait */

/* expect to read "34" */
read(relay_fd, buf_r, 2);
printf("process B: read from relay %s\n", buf_r);

write(pb[1], "w", 2); /* wake up process A */

return 0;

Here is runing the test:

# taskset -c 0 insmod relay_test.ko
# ./relay_read
process A: read from relay 12
process B: read from relay 34
process A: read from relay 34
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/relay_test/cpu0