Re: [PATCH v4 07/13] firmware: arm_scmi: Add notification dispatch and delivery

From: Lukasz Luba
Date: Thu Mar 12 2020 - 17:43:37 EST

On 3/12/20 6:34 PM, Cristian Marussi wrote:
On 12/03/2020 13:51, Lukasz Luba wrote:
Hi Cristian,

just one comment below...

Hi Lukasz

Thanks for the review

On 3/4/20 4:25 PM, Cristian Marussi wrote:
Add core SCMI Notifications dispatch and delivery support logic which is
able, at first, to dispatch well-known received events from the RX ISR to
the dedicated deferred worker, and then, from there, to final deliver the
events to the registered users' callbacks.

Dispatch and delivery is just added here, still not enabled.

Signed-off-by: Cristian Marussi <cristian.marussi@xxxxxxx>
V3 --> V4
- dispatcher now handles dequeuing of events in chunks (header+payload):
handling of these in_flight events let us remove one unneeded memcpy
on RX interrupt path (scmi_notify)
- deferred dispatcher now access their own per-protocol handlers' table
reducing locking contention on the RX path
V2 --> V3
- exposing wq in sysfs via WQ_SYSFS
V1 --> V2
- splitted out of V1 patch 04
- moved from IDR maps to real HashTables to store event_handlers
- simplified delivery logic
drivers/firmware/arm_scmi/notify.c | 334 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
drivers/firmware/arm_scmi/notify.h | 9 +
2 files changed, 342 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/firmware/arm_scmi/notify.c b/drivers/firmware/arm_scmi/notify.c


+ * scmi_notify - Queues a notification for further deferred processing
+ *
+ * This is called in interrupt context to queue a received event for
+ * deferred processing.
+ *
+ * @handle: The handle identifying the platform instance from which the
+ * dispatched event is generated
+ * @proto_id: Protocol ID
+ * @evt_id: Event ID (msgID)
+ * @buf: Event Message Payload (without the header)
+ * @len: Event Message Payload size
+ * @ts: RX Timestamp in nanoseconds (boottime)
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on Success
+ */
+int scmi_notify(const struct scmi_handle *handle, u8 proto_id, u8 evt_id,
+ const void *buf, size_t len, u64 ts)
+ struct scmi_registered_event *r_evt;
+ struct scmi_event_header eh;
+ struct scmi_notify_instance *ni = handle->notify_priv;
+ /* Ensure atomic value is updated */
+ smp_mb__before_atomic();
+ if (unlikely(!atomic_read(&ni->enabled)))
+ return 0;
+ r_evt = SCMI_GET_REVT(ni, proto_id, evt_id);
+ if (unlikely(!r_evt))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (unlikely(len > r_evt->evt->max_payld_sz)) {
+ pr_err("SCMI Notifications: discard badly sized message\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(kfifo_avail(&r_evt->proto->equeue.kfifo) <
+ sizeof(eh) + len)) {
+ pr_warn("SCMI Notifications: queue full dropping proto_id:%d evt_id:%d ts:%lld\n",
+ proto_id, evt_id, ts);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ eh.timestamp = ts;
+ eh.evt_id = evt_id;
+ eh.payld_sz = len;
+ kfifo_in(&r_evt->proto->equeue.kfifo, &eh, sizeof(eh));
+ kfifo_in(&r_evt->proto->equeue.kfifo, buf, len);
+ queue_work(r_evt->proto->equeue.wq,
+ &r_evt->proto->equeue.notify_work);

Is it safe to ignore the return value from the queue_work here?

In fact yes, we do not want to care: it returns true or false depending on the
fact that the specific work was or not already queued, and we just rely on
this behavior to keep kicking the worker only when needed but never kick
more than one instance of it per-queue (so that there's only one reader
wq and one writer here in the scmi_notify)...explaining better:

1. we push an event (hdr+payld) to the protocol queue if we found that there was
enough space on the queue

2a. if at the time of the kfifo_in( ) the worker was already running
(queue not empty) it will process our new event sooner or later and here
the queue_work will return false, but we do not care in fact ... we
tried to kick it just in case

2b. if instead at the time of the kfifo_in() the queue was empty the worker would
have probably already gone to the sleep and this queue_work() will return true and
so this time it will effectively wake up the worker to process our items

The important thing here is that we are sure to wakeup the worker when needed
but we are equally sure we are never causing the scheduling of more than one worker
thread consuming from the same queue (because that would break the one reader/one writer
assumption which let us use the fifo in a lockless manner): this is possible because
queue_work checks if the required work item is already pending and in such a case backs
out returning false and we have one work_item (notify_work) defined per-protocol and
so per-queue.

I see. That's a good assumption: one work_item per protocol and simplify
the locking. What if there would be an edge case scenario when the
consumer (work_item) has handled the last item (there was NULL from scmi_process_event_header()), while in meantime scmi_notify put into
the fifo new event but couldn't kick the queue_work. Would it stay there
till the next IRQ which triggers queue_work to consume two events (one
potentially a bit old)? Or we can ignore such race situation assuming
that cleaning of work item is instant and kfifo_in is slow?

Now probably I wrote too much of an explanation and confuse stuff more ... :D

No, thank you for the detailed explanation. I will continue my review.
