Re: [PATCH] MAINTAINERS: floppy: take over maintainership

From: Thorsten Glaser
Date: Mon Aug 05 2019 - 14:44:24 EST

Hi Denis,

I just saw this on LWN and would like to thank you for picking
up floppy support as itâs important (especially for interfacing
with esoteric hardware). Iâm also collecting a few drives so I
can use a spare if one breaksâ usable discs are becoming a problem
though â

When he found out that the m68k port was in a pretty bad shape, he did
not, like many before him, shrug and move on; instead, he took it upon
himself to start compiling things, just so he could compile his shell.
How's that for dedication. -- Wouter, about my Debian/m68k revival