Re: [PATCH] signal/usb: Replace kill_pid_info_as_cred with kill_pid_usb_asyncio

From: Alan Stern
Date: Wed May 22 2019 - 15:05:15 EST

On Tue, 21 May 2019, Eric W. Biederman wrote:

> The usb support for asyncio encoded one of it's values in the wrong
> field. It should have used si_value but instead used si_addr which is
> not present in the _rt union member of struct siginfo.
> The practical result of this is that on a 64bit big endian kernel
> when delivering a signal to a 32bit process the si_addr field
> is set to NULL, instead of the expected pointer value.
> This issue can not be fixed in copy_siginfo_to_user32 as the usb
> usage of the the _sigfault (aka si_addr) member of the siginfo
> union when SI_ASYNCIO is set is incompatible with the POSIX and
> glibc usage of the _rt member of the siginfo union.
> Therefore replace kill_pid_info_as_cred with kill_pid_usb_asyncio a
> dedicated function for this one specific case. There are no other
> users of kill_pid_info_as_cred so this specialization should have no
> impact on the amount of code in the kernel. Have kill_pid_usb_asyncio
> take instead of a siginfo_t which is difficult and error prone, 3
> arguments, a signal number, an errno value, and an address enconded as
> a sigval_t. The encoding of the address as a sigval_t allows the
> code that reads the userspace request for a signal to handle this
> compat issue along with all of the other compat issues.
> Add BUILD_BUG_ONs in kernel/signal.c to ensure that we can now place
> the pointer value at the in si_pid (instead of si_addr). That is the
> code now verifies that si_pid and si_addr always occur at the same
> location. Further the code veries that for native structures a value
> placed in si_pid and spilling into si_uid will appear in userspace in
> si_addr (on a byte by byte copy of siginfo or a field by field copy of
> siginfo). The code also verifies that for a 64bit kernel and a 32bit
> userspace the 32bit pointer will fit in si_pid.

Okay, I have gone through this. Although I still don't really
understand the detailed issues concerning the layout of the data fields
(probably hopeless without seeing a diagram), the USB portions of the
patch look good and do what the patch description says.

Acked-by: Alan Stern <stern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Alan Stern