Re: [RFC PATCH] drm/ttm: force cached mappings for system RAM on ARM

From: Koenig, Christian
Date: Wed Jan 16 2019 - 02:36:19 EST

Am 16.01.19 um 01:33 schrieb Benjamin Herrenschmidt:
> On Tue, 2019-01-15 at 22:31 +1100, Michael Ellerman wrote:
>>>> As far as I know Power doesn't really supports un-cached memory at all,
>>>> except for a very very old and odd configuration with AGP.
>>> Hopefully Michael/Ben can elaborate here, but I was under the (possibly
>>> mistaken) impression that mismatched attributes could cause a machine-check
>>> on Power.
>> That's what I've always been told, but I can't actually find where it's
>> documented, I'll keep searching.
>> But you're right that mixing cached / uncached is not really supported,
>> and probably results in a machine check or worse.
> .. or worse :) It could checkstop.

Not sure if that would be so bad, it would at least give us a clear
indicator that something is wrong instead of silently corrupting data.

> It's also my understanding that on ARM v7 and above, it's technically
> forbidden to map the same physical page with both cached and non-cached
> mappings, since the cached one could prefetch (or speculatively load),
> thus creating collisions and inconsistencies. Am I wrong here ?

No, but you answer the wrong question.

See we don't want to have different mappings of cached and non-cached on
the CPU, but rather want to know if a snooped DMA from the PCIe counts
as cached access as well.

As far as I know on x86 it doesn't, so when you have an un-cached page
you can still access it with a snooping DMA read/write operation and
don't cause trouble.

> The old hack of using non-cached mapping to avoid snoop cost in AGP and
> others is just that ... an ugly and horrible hacks that should have
> never eventuated, when the search for performance pushes HW people into
> utter insanity :)

Well I agree that un-cached system memory makes things much more
complicated for a questionable gain.

But fact is we now have to deal with the mess, so no point in
complaining about it to much :)


> Cheers,
> Ben.