Re: [ARM64] Printing IRQ stack usage information

From: Pintu Agarwal
Date: Fri Nov 16 2018 - 01:15:02 EST

On Thu, 15 Nov 2018, 10:19 pm <valdis.kletnieks@xxxxxx wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 18:52:39 +0530, Pintu Agarwal said:
> > Currently, when I tested this (as a proc interface), I got the below output:
> > 0 16368 16384
> > 3) How should I test it to get the different usage values for unused stack ?
> > Can I get these values by implementing a sample interrupt handler,
> > and printing information from there?
> Hint 1: If you're in a state where seq_printf() is legal, how many IRQ's are
> on this processor's IRQ stack?
> Hint 2: What are the chances that some other CPU is currently in an IRQ?
> (run 'top' and look for what percent of time that's happening)
> Hint 3: what are the chances that the value of irq_stack_ptr is already stale
> by the time seq_printf() finishes running?
> Hint 4: what happens to the validity of your output if you get rescheduled
> in the middle of that for_each loop?
> (In other words, this code is terribly racy and is probably not going to answer
> whatever debugging question you were working on..

Okay. Thanks so much for your hints.
Yes, I understand that this code is horribly ugly and bad.
But this is only to understand if the below logic is fine to get the
irq stack usage:
for_each_present_cpu(cpu) {
irq_stack_ptr = IRQ_STACK_PTR(cpu);
//unsigned long sp = current_stack_pointer;

stack_start = (unsigned long)per_cpu(irq_stack, cpu);
free_stack = irq_stack_ptr - stack_start;
seq_printf(m, "%2d %10lu %10d\n", cpu, free_stack, actual);
Of course, final plan is not the proc entry, but to find a relevant
place to invoke it, probably during boot time, or during backtrace.

> If your question is "Did one
> of the CPUs blow out its IRQ stack (or come close to doing so)?" there's better
> approaches.
Yes, exactly, this is what the main intention.
If you have any better idea about this approach, please refer me.
It will be of great help.

Thank You!
