Re: [PATCH] net/9p/trans_virtio.c: replace mutex_lock with spin_lock to protect 'virtio_chan_list'

From: piaojun
Date: Wed Jul 18 2018 - 22:27:09 EST

Hi Dominique,

On 2018/7/18 17:54, Dominique Martinet wrote:
> piaojun wrote on Wed, Jul 18, 2018:
>> spin_lock is more effective for short time protection than mutex_lock, as
>> mutex lock may cause process sleep and wake up which consume much cpu
>> time.
> That's not a fast path operation, I don't mind changing things but I'd
> like to understand why - these functions are only ever called at unmount
> time or when something happens on the virtio bus (probe will happen on
> probing on the pci bus and I'm not too sure on remove but probably pci
> removal i.e. basically never?)
> I don't see why this wouldn't work, but I won't take this without a
> (good?) reason.
virtio_9p_lock is responsable for protecting virtio_chan_list which has 3

1. Add a virtio chan to virtio_chan_list. This will happen when we insmod
--list_add_tail(&chan->chan_list, &virtio_chan_list);

2. Remove a virtio chan. This will happen when remnod 9pnet_virtio.ko:

3. Find a unused virtio chan when mount 9p:
--list_for_each_entry(chan, &virtio_chan_list, chan_list)

Multi mount process will compete for virtio_9p_lock when finding unused
virtio chan, in which case mutex lock will cause process sleep and wake
up. I think this a waste of CPU time. So we could use spin lock to avoid
