Re: [tip:locking/core] locking/atomics: Simplify the op definitions in atomic.h some more

From: Mark Rutland
Date: Tue May 15 2018 - 13:40:37 EST

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 01:41:44PM +0200, Peter Zijlstra wrote:
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 10:35:56AM +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> > Which is just _half_ the linecount.
> It also provides less. I do not believe smaller is better here. The
> line count really isn't the problem with this stuff.
> The main pain point here is keeping the atomic, atomic64 and atomic_long
> crud consistent, typically we tend to forget about atomic_long because
> that lives in an entirely different header.
> In any case, see:
> which generates the atomic/atomic64 bits but does not yet deal with
> atomic_long (I think I would've kept the 'header' thing in the
> normal .h file but whatever).
> Once we have the atomic_long thing added, we should also have enough
> data to do function forwarding, and we should be able to start looking
> at the whole annotated stuff.
> Now clearly Mark hasn't had time to further work on that. But consider a
> table like:
> add(i,v) RF
> sub(i,v) RF
> inc(v) RF
> dec(v) RF
> or(i,v) F
> and(i,v) F
> andnot(i,v) F
> xor(i,v) F
> xchg(v,i) X
> cmpxchg(v,i,j) X
> try_cmpxchg(v,I,j) XB
> With the following proglet; that should contain enough to do full
> forwarding (seems I forgot to implement 'B').

I put together the following while trying to avoid bash magic (i.e the
arrays, and keeping the option of naming the params. My local copy of
dash seems happy with it.

I *think* the table can encode enough info to generate atomic-long.h,
atomic-instrumented.h, and the atomic.h ordering fallbacks. I'll need to
flesh out the table and check that we don't end up clashing with
some of the regular fallbacks.


# name meta args...
# Where meta contains a string of:
# * B - bool: returns bool, fully ordered
# * V - void: returns void, fully ordered
# * I - int: returns base type, all orderings
# * R - return: returns base type, all orderings
# * F - fetch: returns base type, all orderings
# * T - try: returns bool, all orderings
# Where args contains list of type[:name], where type is:
# * v - pointer to atomic base type (atomic or atomic64)
# * i - base type (int or long)
# * I - pointer to base type (int or long)
add VRF i v
sub VRF i v
inc VRF v
dec VRF v
or VF i v
and VF i v
andnot VF i v
xor VF i v
xchg I v i
cmpxchg I v i:old i:new
try_cmpxchg T v I:old i:new
add_and_test B i v
sub_and_test B i v
dec_and_test B v
inc_and_test B v


gen_return_type() {
local meta="$1"; shift
local basetype="$1"; shift

expr match "${meta}" "[V]" > /dev/null && printf "void"
expr match "${meta}" "[BT]" > /dev/null && printf "bool"
expr match "${meta}" "[IFR]" > /dev/null && printf "${basetype}"

local basetype="$1"; shift
local atomictype="$1"; shift
local fmt="$1"; shift
local name="${fmt#*:}"
local type="${fmt%%:*}"

[ "${type}" = "i" ] && type="${basetype} "
[ "${type}" = "I" ] && type="${basetype} *"
[ "${type}" = "v" ] && type="${atomictype} *"

printf "%s%s" "${type}" "${name}"

local basetype="$1"; shift
local atomictype="$1"; shift

while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
gen_param "${basetype}" "${atomictype}" "$1"
[ "$#" -gt 1 ] && printf ", "

local meta="$1"; shift;
local name="$1"; shift
local pfx="$1"; shift
local basetype="$1"; shift

gen_return_type "$meta" "${basetype}"

printf " %s_%s(" "${pfx}" "${name}"
gen_params "${basetype}" "${pfx}_t" $@
printf ");\n"

local meta="$1"; shift
local name="$1"; shift
gen_proto_return_order_variant "${meta}" "${name}" "$@"

if expr match "${meta}" "[RFXC]" > /dev/null; then
gen_proto_return_order_variant "${meta}" "${name}_acquire" "$@"
gen_proto_return_order_variant "${meta}" "${name}_release" "$@"
gen_proto_return_order_variant "${meta}" "${name}_relaxed" "$@"

local meta="$1"; shift
local name="$1"; shift

[ "${meta}" = "R" ] && name="${name}_return"
[ "${meta}" = "F" ] && name="fetch_${name}"

gen_proto_return_order_variants "${meta}" "${name}" "$@"

gen_proto() {
local meta="$1"; shift
for m in $(echo "${meta}" | fold -w1); do
gen_proto_variants "${m}" $@

grep '^[a-z]' "$1" | while read name meta args; do

gen_proto "${meta}" "${name}" "atomic" "int" ${args}

gen_proto "${meta}" "${name}" "atomic64" "s64" ${args}

gen_proto "${meta}" "${name}" "atomic_long" "long" ${args}
