Re: [PATCH v7] Revert "PCI: hv: Use device serial number as PCI domain"

From: Sridhar Pitchai
Date: Thu Apr 12 2018 - 11:14:17 EST

>> I am still not happy with this patch.
>> - You do not explain at all the dependency on commit 0c195567a8f6 and
>> you should because that's fundamental, if that patch is not present
>> this revert breaks the kernel as per previous discussions[1].
>> - You are sending this patch to all stable kernels that contain the
>> commit you are fixing - some that may not contain the commit above
>> (that was merged in v4.14), you are breaking those kernels, if not
>> explain me why please

>If there's a dependency on 0c195567a8f6, I totally agree that
>needs to be cleared up. I was assuming that turned out to be
That is right. There is no dependency on 0c195567a8f6. We just need
to revert 4a9b0933bdfc.

Sridhar Pitchai