Re: [PATCH] USB: serial: option: adding support for YUGA CLM920-NC5

From: BjÃrn Mork
Date: Mon Dec 18 2017 - 13:44:30 EST

Johan Hovold <johan@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>> +static const struct option_blacklist_info yuga_clm920_nc5_blacklist = {
>> + .reserved = BIT(0) | BIT(1) | BIT(4),
>> +};
> Do you really need to blacklist the first interface?

Good question. Interface #0 does look a lot like a Qualcomm DM/DIAG
function, based on two bulk endpoints, no additional descriptors and the
fact that it is the first interface. If so, then we do want a serial
driver for it. There is a basic libqcdm implementation in ModemManager
if you want to test it out.

And I expect interface #4 is QMI/rmnet? Feel free to confirm that
assumption with a patch against qmi_wwan :-)
