Re: [PATCH] i2c: generic recovery: check SCL before SDA

From: Wolfram Sang
Date: Sat Oct 28 2017 - 16:55:57 EST

On Thu, Oct 05, 2017 at 02:44:14PM +0200, Claudio Foellmi wrote:
> Move the check for a stuck SCL before the check for a high SDA.
> This prevent false positives in the specific case that SDA is fine
> and SCL is stuck, which previously returned 0.
> Also check SDA again after the loop, if we can.
> Together, these changes should lead to a lot more failed
> recoveries being caught and returning error codes.
> Signed-off-by: Claudio Foellmi <claudio.foellmi@xxxxxxxx>

Applied to for-next, thanks!

Huh, I thought we already fixed the add-SDA-check-after-loop, but seems
I was wrong :( I am not super happy with the now doubled SDA check, but
refactoring the whole loop is a seperate change IMO which can be done

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