Re: [PATCH 1/2] arm64: stacktrace: avoid listing stacktrace functions in stacktrace

From: Prakash Gupta
Date: Thu Aug 31 2017 - 02:30:28 EST

On 8/31/2017 1:58 AM, Andrew Morton wrote:
On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 13:02:22 +0530 Prakash Gupta <guptap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The stacktraces always begin as follows:

[<c00117b4>] save_stack_trace_tsk+0x0/0x98
[<c0011870>] save_stack_trace+0x24/0x28

This is because the stack trace code includes the stack frames for itself.
This is incorrect behaviour, and also leads to "skip" doing the wrong thing
(which is the number of stack frames to avoid recording.)

Perversely, it does the right thing when passed a non-current thread. Fix
this by ensuring that we have a known constant number of frames above the
main stack trace function, and always skip these.

This was fixed for arch arm by Commit 3683f44c42e9 ("ARM: stacktrace: avoid
listing stacktrace functions in stacktrace")

I can take this (with acks, please?)

3683f44c42e9 has a cc:stable but your patch does not. Should it?

My bad, it should be copied to stable as well.

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