Re: [PATCH] arm64: avoid overflow in VA_START and PAGE_OFFSET

From: Nick Desaulniers
Date: Thu Aug 03 2017 - 13:53:19 EST

> Would
> #define VA_START (UL(0xffffffffffffffff) - (1 << VA_BITS) + 1)
> also work?

I think you'd have to wrap the 1 in a UL(), ex:

#define VA_START (UL(0xffffffffffffffff) - (UL(1) << VA_BITS) + 1)

Otherwise IIUC a integral literal (`1`) is treated as an int, which on
arm64 is LP64 making it 32b, where most configs set VA_BITS
to larger than 32b. Shifting by more than the width is undefined
behavior. And without it, I get compile errors.

I'll send v2 with your suggestion, thanks.
~Nick Desaulniers