Re: [PATCH 6/6] Documentation/devicetree: Add FSI-attached I2C master dt bindings

From: Eddie James
Date: Tue Jun 27 2017 - 13:30:14 EST

On 06/26/2017 08:06 PM, Jeremy Kerr wrote:
Hi Eddie,

+Required properties:
+ - compatible = "ibm,i2cm-fsi";
+ - reg = < address size >; : The FSI CFAM address and address space
+ size.
+ - #address-cells = <1>; : Number of address cells in child nodes
+ - #size-cells = <0>; : Number of size cells in child nodes.
+ - child nodes : Nodes to describe ports off the I2C
+ master.
+Child node required properties:
+ - reg = < port number > : The port number on the I2C master.
+ i2cm@1800 {
+ compatible = "ibm,i2cm-fsi";
+ reg = < 0x1800 0x400 >;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ port@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ };
+ port@1 {
+ reg = <1>;
+ };
+ };
Those child nodes represent the downstream i2c buses, and so also
contain the i2c slave devices, right? If so, you may want to document
that, and/or add a simple device to that example (say, an EEPROM).

Yes, good point, but the driver currently wouldn't do anything with that device information. It doesn't keep a list of populated devices on the bus or anything. Still worth adding them to the device tree?


