Re: Idle curiosity...

From: aconcernedfossdev
Date: Thu Jun 15 2017 - 15:38:05 EST

I'm not spamming anyone.
I am trying to:
1) Locate rights-holders to the linux kernel.
2) Inform them of very recent developments concerning their copyrighted work.
3) Inform them of their rights.

Many programmers operate under the false notion that the terms of a license can be circumvented by a third party using a second "out of band" communication or "clever" schemes. That as-long as the license document isn't altered, "all is well"; such is incorrect: that second communication is the imposition of an additional term, even if it is not in writing, even if it arises simply during the course of business (wink and a nod).

The courts will look to the effect, the dealings of the parties, their intentions, and not solely at whatever language resides within the four corners of the one page non-integrated document.

Now, I will assume that you do not have a legal background since you view discussions on the topic as some crime or personal affront...

On 2017-06-15 19:23, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
Why are you being a fuckwad? Instead of spamming the list, why don't
you talk to -- oh, I dunno -- the FSF or someone who'd actually be
able to listen to and/or address your questions?

Does it feed your ego to troll a whole list, or multiple lists?

I'm guessing yes. And, yes, if it is your design to troll a list to
feed your ego, you, sir, are a fuckwad, well and truly.

Good day, sir miscreant.