TWIMC: I won't do regression tracking for 4.12 (sorry!)

From: Thorsten Leemhuis
Date: Tue May 23 2017 - 07:07:36 EST

Hi! Just to let everyone know: I won't do regression tracking this
development cycle. I have some travel and some "away from keyboard"
vacation days coming up; that combination doesn't leave enough spare
time in the next few weeks to do regression tracking properly. Sorry. :-/

You might now think "but regression tracking is important, somebody has
to do it". If you do, then I like how you think ;-) I'd welcome if you
go one step further: Step up and simply take care of the job yourself,
if you have some time to spare. No, you don't need to ask anyone. At
least I didn't -- I simply started to do regression tracking, just
because I thought somebody should do it. So can you!

Ciao, Thorsten