Re: [Linux-ima-devel] [PATCH 0/7] IMA: new parser for ima_restore_measurement_list()

From: Ken Goldman
Date: Tue May 16 2017 - 15:00:26 EST

On 5/16/2017 8:53 AM, Roberto Sassu wrote:
A new IMA measurement list format, called Crypto Agile, will be introduced
shortly to take full advantage of the algorithm flexibility of TPM 2.0.
With the new format, it will be possible to provide for each list entry
multiple digests, each calculated with an algorithm supported by the TPM.
Those digests will be used by remote entities to verify the integrity of
the measurements list.

The current (SHA1) and the new (Crypto Agile) format definitions are:

SHA1: pcr[4] digest[20]
template_name_len[4] template_name[template_name_len]
template_data_len[4] template_data[template_data_len]

Crypto Agile: pcr[4] total_digest_len[4]
digest1_len[4] digest1[digest1_len] ...
digestN_len[4] digestN[digestN_len]
template_name_len[4] template_name[template_name_len]
template_data_len[4] template_data[template_data_len]

1 - In this proposed format, how does the parser or consumer of the log
know what algorithm is used for digestN.
For example, the TCG standard format uses TPML_DIGEST_VALUES
uint32_t count - the number of digests TPMT_HA
TPMT_HA digests[]

where a TPMT_HA is
algorithm identifier
digest byte array

2 - Not a criticism, just a question for understanding ... Would it be true that the total_digest_length == the sum of all the digestN_len values plus 4 bytes for each length.

Does it determine how many digests there are by when the total length is consumed?