Re: [PATCH 1/2] workqueue: Add new function mod_fwd_delayed_work()

From: Harald Geyer
Date: Tue Mar 07 2017 - 07:12:48 EST

On 06.03.2017 23:22, Tejun Heo wrote:
I don't think it's a matter of "fixing" the existing
mod_delayed_work(). What the new function is implementing wouldn't
fit use cases where the timeout should only be shortened (IIRC,
writeback code does that).

I'm not against adding new interface to handle it better but I think
it makes more sense to add both directions. How about adding
expedite_delayed_work_on() and postpone_delayed_work_on()?

I think such a function should only be added if there is actually
code using it. So I'd wait for the survey of existing mod_delayed_work()
users Mark has promised to actually find some bugs that would be fixed
by the function before adding it.

The names you are proposing feel less clear to me then mod_fwd/mod_bwd,
but english is not my native tongue, so my feeling is probably no
strong evidence ... :)

Otherwise I agree with your comments.


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