Re: [PATCH 1/2] x86/platform: Add a low priority low frequency NMI call chain

From: Ingo Molnar
Date: Tue Mar 07 2017 - 02:42:52 EST

* Mike Travis <mike.travis@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Add a new NMI call chain that is called last after all other NMI handlers
> have been checked and did not "handle" the NMI. This mimics the current
> NMI_UNKNOWN call chain except it eliminates the WARNING message about
> multiple NMI handlers registering on this call chain.
> This call chain dramatically lowers the NMI call frequency when high
> frequency NMI tools are in use, notably the perf tools. It is required
> for NMI handlers that cannot sustain a high NMI call rate without
> ramifications to the system operability.

So how about we just turn off that warning instead? I don't remember the last time
it actually _helped_ us find any kernel or hardware bug - and it has caused tons
of problems...

It's not like we warn about excess regular IRQs either - we either handle them or
at most increase a counter somewhere. We could do the same for NMIs: introduce a
counter somewhere that counts the number of seemingly unhandled NMIs.

But in any case, we should not spam the kernel log, neither with high, nor with
low frequency.

