Urgent Pls

From: Dr. Andrea
Date: Sat Dec 03 2016 - 21:42:41 EST


I'm Dr. Andrea Thompson, I'm seeking for investment opportunities around the globe and wonder if you can be of assistance.

Basically, all I need from you is sincerity, authenticity, integrity protection, virtue, accountability and honor which brings trust in business. As you already know, nothing can undermine a business relationship more completely than lack of trust because trust is the essential precondition upon which all real success depends and the key to trust is action and commitments. Commitments made and commitments honored.

Once you agree to this, we shall sign the Equity Investment Agreement where we shall state the profit sharing pattern and all other conditions.

kindly reply me to my private email: dr.andrea.thompson12@xxxxxxxxx

Waiting for your response.

Dr. Andrea Thompson .