Re: strange Mac OSX RST behavior

From: Jason Baron
Date: Fri Jul 22 2016 - 17:08:34 EST


After looking at this further we found that there is actually
a rate limit on 'rst' packets sent by OSX on a closed socket.
Its set to 250 per second and controlled via:
net.inet.icmp.icmplim. Increasing that limit resolves the
issue, but the default is apparently 250.



On 07/01/2016 02:16 PM, One Thousand Gnomes wrote:
yes, we do in fact see a POLLRDHUP from the FIN in this case and
read of zero, but we still have more data to write to the socket, and
b/c the RST is dropped here, the socket stays in TIME_WAIT until
things eventually time out...
After the FIN when you send/retransmit your next segment do you then get
a valid RST back from the Mac end?
