Re: [PATCH v12 0/3] printk: Make printk() completely async

From: Sergey Senozhatsky
Date: Wed Jul 13 2016 - 09:25:56 EST


On (07/13/16 13:14), Petr Mladek wrote:
> > > [ 4913.000310] item8750item8751item8752item8753item8754item8755item8756item8757item8758item8759
> > > [ 4913.000327] item8760item8761item8762item8763item8764item8765item8766item8767item8768item8769
> > > [ 4913.000342] item8770item8771item8772item8773item8774item8775item8776item8777item8778item8779
> > > [ 4913.000356] item8780
> > > [ 4913.000357] item8781
> > > [ 4913.000358] item8782
> > > [...]
> >
> > hm.. so are there any 'concurrent' printk()-s coming from other CPUs
> > that are not getting printed on the console (because of loglevel restrictions),
> > but still screw up the cont buffer?.... otherwise, my expectation was that in
> > this particular case cpu issues a new pr_cont() only after it has printed
> > the current message via call_console_drivers()->write(). so partially flushed
> > cont buffer was not really expected to happen. I was wrong, obviously.
> To be honest. I am not 100% sure what happens here. One theory is
> that the printk kthread is waken because of some previous
> non-continuous message. It steals console_lock() and partially flushes
> the cont buffer. In this case, the pr_cont() calls are not able to get
> console_lock() and basically work in the async mode. The pr_cont()
> calls have to store each piece sepatately because the partially
> flushed cont buffer is blocked until flushed completely.
> Hmm, the strange thing is that I see this problem even when I force
> the global synch more by
> echo Y > /sys/module/printk/parameters/synchronous

oh, even in sync mode. hm...

> > just an idea.
> > ... or try to make KERN_CONT SMP-safe. there are many pr_cont() call
> > sites. ACPI is one notable example. the others include OOM, some cgroup
> > related output (or... was it memcg), etc., etc.
> >
> > so we *may be* can have a per-cpu cont buffer and add new API
> > pr_cont_begin()/pr_cont_end(), that would disable preemption.
> >
> >
> > + pr_cont_begin() /* preempt_disable() */
> >
> > for (.....)
> > pr_cont("%pS ....);
> >
> > + pr_cont_end() /* preempt_enable() */
> >
> > pr_cont_end() also can flush this CPU's cont buffer and store the log
> > line. this will probably break very long cont lines (not sure if we
> > have any of those though). and may be flush_on_panic() would have to
> > do some extra work iterating each cpu.
> It would work but I am a bit scared by the complexity. I think
> that we should find a compromise between complexity and
> reliability.

I understand your concerns.
but, realistically, KERN_CONT will still be SMP unsafe and will not do
what people probably expect it to do: e.g. ACPI_ERROR or ACPI_anything.
it does acpi_os_vprintf() -> printk(KERN_CONT).

the whole thing is already complicated, we already have all those len,
cons etc. checks in various places, it also has that owner task, etc.

static struct cont {
char buf[LOG_LINE_MAX];
size_t len; /* length == 0 means unused buffer */
size_t cons; /* bytes written to console */
struct task_struct *owner; /* task of first print*/
u64 ts_nsec; /* time of first print */
u8 level; /* log level of first message */
u8 facility; /* log facility of first message */
enum log_flags flags; /* prefix, newline flags */
bool flushed:1; /* buffer sealed and committed */
} cont;

so I think, personally... it's sort of kind of not exactly what people
need (aka 'broken'). so my idea is to forbid concurrent cont buffer usage.
each CPU will have it's own buffer, and touch it with preemption_disabled.
there will be no more partial flushes, cont buffer will be flushed when it's
done -- via pr_cont_end()->log_store()->wake_up(printk_kthread). IOW it will
just add the cont buffer content to log_buf and print it via console_unlock(),
like the rest of the messages. no more console_cont_flush().

> > we still can have pr_cont() happening on several cpus simultaneously.
> > console_seq is getting reset, when we register a new CON_PRINTBUFFER
> > console.
> I agree that mixing part of lines from different processes/cpus
> is not ideal. But it is not much worse than mixing whole lines.
> We should do a best effort but we do not need to be perfect.

sure, thanks! I'll try to think of something other than "throw it away".
but.., well, you know my opinion by now :)
