Re: [RFC PATCHv2] usb: USB Type-C Connector Class

From: Heikki Krogerus
Date: Tue May 24 2016 - 05:32:58 EST

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 01:25:19PM +0200, Oliver Neukum wrote:
> So for Alternate Modes we need on a high level the following features
> 1. discovery of available Alternate Modes
> 2. selection of an Alternate Mode
> 3. notification about entering an Alternate Mode
> 4. triggering a reset
> 5. notification about resets
> 6. discovery about the current role
> 7. switching roles
> 8. setting preferred roles (Try.SRC and Try.SNK)
> You covered 1. and 2.
> 3. can be covered by specific drivers
> 4. and 5. are not covered (and it makes no sense to tie it
> to specific drivers)
> 6. and 7. is covered
> 8. is not
> And 8. needs to be covered. It affects who selects the Alternate Mode.
> You cannot tie it to USB and it doesn't fit with pure PD stuff.
> I like your API as it is now. But it is incomplete.

OK, Got it.

Thanks Oliver,
