Re: [PATCH] ARM: dts: exynos: Only Odroid XU3-family boards use DTSI with CPU thermal nodes

From: Javier Martinez Canillas
Date: Mon May 09 2016 - 12:45:12 EST

Hello Krzysztof,

On 05/09/2016 02:19 AM, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> Include the CPU thermal nodes directly in Odroid XU3-family common DTS
> because it is the only user of it. Keeping it in separate DTSI node does
> not bring benefits because:
> 1. It is not re-usable on other non-fan boards (fan is referenced),
> 2. It won't be re-used on future Odroid XU board because different
> CPU cluster behavior.
> Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Kozlowski <k.kozlowski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---

Agreed with both points and the patch looks good to me.

Reviewed-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <javier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Best regards,
Javier Martinez Canillas
Open Source Group
Samsung Research America