Linux patch disabling AVX when eagerfpu is turned off - possibly not required

From: Leonid Shatz
Date: Thu Jan 21 2016 - 05:33:39 EST

Regarding the patch disabling AVX when eagerfpu is off:

We have a suggestion that Intel documentation related to usage of CR0.TS bit
may be not properly updated with additional support of AVX/AVX2/etc
instructions. In fact, there is certain ambiguity about the causes of #NM
exception in other sections of Intel documentation. Based on the chapter 2.4
Software Developer's Manual, all SSE/SSE2/SSE4/MMX/AVX/etc. instructions,
which modify the FPU/MMX/AVX state are supposed to generate #NM exception
when CR0.TS = 1.

In addition, based on AMD documentation, the #NM exception is generated for
both SSE and AVX instructions in protected mode - refer to AMD64
Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 4: 128-Bit and 256-Bit Media
Instructions and also "AMD64 Architecture
Programmer's Manual Volume 2: System Programming" Chapter 3.1 (Task Switched
(TS) Bit.3. When an attempt is made to execute an x87 or media instruction
while TS=1, a device-not-available exception (#NM) occurs).

Also, in our limited internal test on Intel I7 processor (repeated on two
different machines), while executing the AVX VMOVAPS instruction with CR0.TS
bit set, we've observed the #NM exception being always generated (although
we didn't perform all-inclusive tests for entire set of AVX and similar new

In view of above findings we would like to suggest to double check if
disabling AVX together with "eagerfpu off" is actually required and is a
real necessity. It would be helpful to consult with Intel engineers
regarding related design details.

Leonid Shatz,
Seniour Software Enigneer, Hypervisor Team,
Ravello Systems, Inc.