Re: 4.1 to 4.4 regression: Gnome 2 password management asks too late

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat Jan 16 2016 - 18:17:49 EST


> On v4.1, Gnome2 boots, notices wlan is encrypted, and asks "enter
> password to unlock your login keyring", so it can grab wlan password.
> So far so good.
> On v4.4, Gnome2 boots, asks for wlan password, then wants to store the
> password and asks "enter password to unlock your login keyring".
> Not good.

Yeah. And yes, its kernel, but solution seems to be easy (and probably
not a regression).

On 4.4, wlan interface changes hardware address with each boot due to
missing patches... and that makes Gnome2 behave as it does.
(cesky, pictures)