Re: [PATCH v2 3/9] perf build: Test correct path of perf in build-test

From: Wangnan (F)
Date: Thu Jan 14 2016 - 22:33:20 EST

On 2016/1/15 10:57, Wangnan (F) wrote:


Concultion: the reason of the problem you met is because 'make clean O=.' doesn't clean
feature test results. In v1 I have:

-clean := @(cd $(PERF); make -s -f $(MK) clean >/dev/null)
+clean := @(cd $(PERF); make -s -f $(MK) O=$(PERF_OUT) clean >/dev/null; make -s -f $(MK) clean >/dev/null)

(two 'make clean' here for safety)

But removes them in v2. The second 'make clean' would remove any feature testing
results and return good testing result for you. This also explain why I never met failure
like this: if patch 4 - 9 are applied, make static would use feature dump.

Let me see how to remove feature testing results.


$(call QUIET_CLEAN, config)
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(srctree)/tools/build/feature/ $(if $(OUTPUT),OUTPUT=$(OUTPUT)feature/,) clean >/dev/null

If we build with 'O', feature test directory would reside in $(OUTPUT)/feature. Then when
we 'make clean', the resuling .bin files are removed from $(OUTPUT)/feature. However, if we
build without 'O' but clean with 'O=.', make clean tries to remove ./feature, but should be

Thank you.