Re: [PATCH] MODSIGN: Change default key details [ver #2]

From: David Woodhouse
Date: Mon May 18 2015 - 12:07:49 EST

On Thu, 2015-05-07 at 14:15 +0200, Michal Marek wrote:
> > I like
> > Linus's use of the filechk macro on the second - but we shouldn't overwrite
> > keys someone has manually placed in the tree if the key generation template
> > changes due to git pull altering kernel/Makefile.
> That's the problem with allowing a file to be either user-supplied or
> generated. We can use separate files for the user-supplied/generated
> cases like below and solve this for good.

Alternatively, we could declare that signing_key.priv/signing_key.x509
are *always* auto-generated. If the user wants to use a pregenerated
key of their own then they can use CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_KEYÂ for that.

David Woodhouse Open Source Technology Centre
David.Woodhouse@xxxxxxxxx Intel Corporation

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