[PATCH 0/20] fix misspelling of current function in string

From: Julia Lawall
Date: Sun Dec 07 2014 - 14:26:52 EST

These patches replace what appears to be a reference to the name of the
current function but is misspelled in some way by either the name of the
function itself, or by %s and then __func__ in an argument list.

// <smpl>
// sudo apt-get install python-pip
// sudo pip install python-Levenshtein
// spatch requires the argument --in-place

virtual after_start


let extensible_functions = ref ([] : string list)
let restarted = ref false

let restart _ =
restarted := true;
let it = new iteration() in
it#add_virtual_rule After_start;
Printf.eprintf "restarting\n";

import re
from Levenshtein import distance
mindist = 1 // 1 to find only misspellings
maxdist = 2
ignore_leading = True

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

constant char [] c;
identifier f;


c << r0.c;
f << r0.f;

(if not !restarted then restart());
match Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "%") c with
_::_::_ ->
if not (List.mem f !extensible_functions)
then extensible_functions := f :: !extensible_functions
| _ -> ()

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

@r depends on after_start@
constant char [] c;
position p;
identifier f;


@script:python flt@
c << r.c;
p << r.p;

func = p[0].current_element
wpattern = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
if ignore_leading:
func = func.strip("_")
wpattern = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
lf = len(func)
// ignore extremely short function names
if lf > 3:
words = [w for w in re.findall(wpattern, c) if abs(len(w) - lf) <= maxdist]
for w in words:
d = distance(w, func)
if mindist <= d and d <= maxdist:
coccinelle.matched = w
//print "%s:%d:%s():%d: %s" % (p[0].file, int(p[0].line), func, d, c)

@script:ocaml r2@
c << r.c;
f << r.f;
matched << flt.matched;

let pieces = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string matched) c in
match pieces with
[before;after] ->
let preceeding =
List.length(Str.split (Str.regexp_string "%") before) > 1 in
if preceeding
then Coccilib.include_match false
if List.mem f !extensible_functions
then fixed := before ^ "%s" ^ after
else Coccilib.include_match false
| _ -> Coccilib.include_match false

constant char [] r.c;
identifier r2.fixed;
position r.p;
identifier r.f;


// -------------------------------------------------------------------

@s depends on after_start@
constant char [] c;
position p;
identifier f;


@script:python flt2@
c << s.c;
p << s.p;

func = p[0].current_element
wpattern = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
if ignore_leading:
func = func.strip("_")
wpattern = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
lf = len(func)
// ignore extremely short function names
if lf > 3:
words = [w for w in re.findall(wpattern, c) if abs(len(w) - lf) <= maxdist]
for w in words:
d = distance(w, func)
if mindist <= d and d <= maxdist:
coccinelle.matched = w
//print "%s:%d:%s():%d: %s" % (p[0].file, int(p[0].line), func, d, c)

@script:ocaml s2@
c << s.c;
f << s.f;
p << s.p;
matched << flt2.matched;

let ce = (List.hd p).current_element in
let pieces = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string matched) c in
match pieces with
[before;after] ->
let preceeding =
List.length(Str.split (Str.regexp_string "%") before) > 1 in
if preceeding
then Coccilib.include_match false
if List.mem f !extensible_functions
then Coccilib.include_match false
else fixed := before ^ ce ^ after
| _ -> Coccilib.include_match false

constant char [] s.c;
identifier s2.fixed;
position s.p;
identifier s.f;

// </smpl>

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