Re: [PATCH V6 1/3] perf tool: Add sort key symoff for perf diff

From: Jiri Olsa
Date: Mon Dec 01 2014 - 14:53:54 EST

On Mon, Dec 01, 2014 at 09:40:10AM -0500, Kan Liang wrote:


> +static int64_t
> +sort__symoff_collapse(struct hist_entry *left, struct hist_entry *right)
> +{
> + struct symbol *sym_l = left->ms.sym;
> + struct symbol *sym_r = right->ms.sym;
> + u64 symoff_l, symoff_r;
> + int64_t ret;
> +
> + if (!sym_l || !sym_r)
> + return cmp_null(sym_l, sym_r);
> +
> + ret = strcmp(sym_r->name, sym_l->name);
> + if (ret)
> + return ret;
> +
> +
> + symoff_l = left->ip - sym_l->start;
> + symoff_r = right->ip - sym_r->start;
> +
> + return (int64_t)(symoff_r - symoff_l);
> +}
> +
> +static int hist_entry__symoff_snprintf(struct hist_entry *he, char *bf,
> + size_t size, unsigned int width)
> +{
> + struct map *map = he->;
> + struct symbol *sym = he->ms.sym;
> + size_t ret = 0;
> +
> + if (sym) {
> + ret += repsep_snprintf(bf + ret, size - ret, "%s", sym->name);
> + ret += repsep_snprintf(bf + ret, size - ret, "+0x%llx",
> + he->ip - sym->start);
> +
> + } else {
> + size_t len = BITS_PER_LONG / 4;
> +
> + ret += repsep_snprintf(bf + ret, size - ret, "%-#.*llx", len,
> + map ? map->unmap_ip(map, he->ip) : he->ip);
> + }
> +
> + ret += repsep_snprintf(bf + ret, size - ret, "%-*s",
> + width - ret, "");
> + return ret;
> +}
> +
> +struct sort_entry sort_symoff = {
> + .se_header = "Symbol + Offset",
> + .se_cmp = sort__symoff_cmp,
> + .se_snprintf = hist_entry__symoff_snprintf,
> + .se_width_idx = HISTC_SYMOFF,
> +};

I might have missed this in previous discussions,
but do we also want just pure string comparison?

now I get:
0.30% +0.42% main+0x110
1.80% -0.45% main+0x115
0.05% -0.04% main+0x118
0.34% +0.49% main+0x11c
2.15% -0.22% main+0x120
0.41% +0.22% main+0x123
1.86% +0.04% main+0x12f
3.86% -0.69% main+0x133
0.02% main+0x137
3.80% -1.19% main+0x13d
0.26% +0.45% main+0x141
2.26% +1.41% main+0x145
8.78% -1.59% main+0x148
0.05% main+0x14c
1.40% -0.26% main+0x155
0.07% main+0x158
0.74% -0.03% main+0x15b
1.06% -0.17% main+0x160
0.31% +0.30% main+0x1a8
1.82% -0.51% main+0x1af
0.09% +0.07% main+0x1b1
0.05% main+0x1b4

could we add something like '-s symstr' to do
only symbol string comparison, so the previous
output would gather in single line like:

5.09% +2.07% main

otherwise the patchset looks ok to me:
Acked-by: Jiri Olsa <jolsa@xxxxxxxxxx>

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