RE: [PATCH 2/3] power: core: Add variables related temperature to power_supply_info.

From: Tc, Jenny
Date: Mon Nov 10 2014 - 23:56:44 EST

> > The CC,CV and restart threshold would vary based on the battery temperature
> > So I would suggest to have temperature zone table as part of battery info
> > along with other attributes.
> >
> > int iterm; //charge termination current (used to stop charging)
> > int temp_zone_count; // number of temperature zone tables present
> > struct batt_temp_mon_table temp_mon_tbl[MAX_TEMP_MON_TABLE];
> //temperature zone table array
> >
> > struct batt_temp_mon_table {
> > short int temp_max;
> > short int cc;
> > short int cv;
> > short int vbat_vchk_drop_uv;
> > short int temp_min;
> > };
> >
> IMO, throttling cc/cv according the temperature can be done via thermal fw
> interface. However voltage drop and charging termination current can be added here.

The CC/CV for each battery temperature zone is defined as part of battery spec. This is
as per the JEITA/PSE standards. So IMO, this is a battery charging information
(charging object) rather than a thermal throttling information.

Also the battery information may not fit into a standard format. Different standards have
different format for charging object. So I would suggest to make it flexible enough to
support different charging object format. For example MIPI BIF charging object format
( and MIPI BIF Rule based charging algorithm
has different charging object format. This is why the patch
has option to support different charging objects and different charging algorithms.

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