Re: futex(2) man page update help request

From: chrubis
Date: Thu May 15 2014 - 11:28:49 EST

> However, unless I'm sorely mistaken, the larger problem is that glibc
> removed the futex() call entirely, so these man pages don't describe
> something users even have access to anymore. I had to revert to calling
> the syscalls directly in the futextest test suite because of this:

So there actually exists some tests for futexes, I've been asked if we
have these as a LTP[1] maintainer several times.

Are these tests executed regulary as a part of some automated framework?
If not it would make sense to port them to LTP (looking at the code that
would be quite easy task) and get them executed by several QA
departments for free. What do you think?


Cyril Hrubis
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