Re: [PATCH] spi: core: Increase timeout value

From: Mark Brown
Date: Thu Apr 10 2014 - 13:36:42 EST

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 06:20:29PM +0530, Harini Katakam wrote:

> Considering acceptable latencies, this timeout can be set to a large
> value >= 1*HZ typically.

> This patch adds a tolerance of 2000 msec in the core accordingly.

That's too much, it's 2 seconds which gets to be incredibly painful when
trying to debug problems - if you're sitting there waiting for a driver
to time out some operations (and it may be more than one of them) so you
can look at the diagnostics it can be quite aggrivating. That's why the
delays are related to the expected runtime for the operation. Something
like double the expected runtime plus something in the 100ms or so range

Ideally we'd use the actual speed the device set rather than the
requested one too, that'd help.

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