Treewide frequency of various checkpatch messages

From: Joe Perches
Date: Mon Mar 10 2014 - 12:03:01 EST

On Fri, 2014-03-07 at 01:30 -0800, Joe Perches wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-03-07 at 10:54 +0300, Dan Carpenter wrote:
(a question about a new message warning of a missing
blank line between variable declaration blocks and
code in a function)
> > How many warnings does this generate does this generate when you run it
> > across the whole tree?
> A lot.

Turns out it's 20,210 and it's the 14th
most common checkpatch message type.

14 20210 WARNING:SPACING: Missing a blank line after declarations

> Check back with me after the week or so
> it'll take to run on this little netboook.

I ran a variant of this over the weekend
over next-20140306. It just finished.

$ git ls-files | grep "\.[ch]$"| \
while read file ; do \
./scripts/ -f --strict --show-types --no-summary --emacs --terse $file ; \
done | \
tee -a checkpatch.all

Here are the top 100 types of messages:

(for 2377922 total LOC)

1 241524 WARNING:LONG_LINE: line over 80 characters
2 238492 ERROR:SPACING: space required after that ',' (ctx:VxV)
3 152039 WARNING:LEADING_SPACE: please, no spaces at the start of a line
4 117364 CHECK:CAMELCASE: Avoid CamelCase
5 67761 CHECK:PARENTHESIS_ALIGNMENT: Alignment should match open parenthesis
6 53673 ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible
7 30981 ERROR:TRAILING_WHITESPACE: trailing whitespace
8 30443 ERROR:C99_COMMENTS: do not use C99 // comments
9 26928 WARNING:SPACE_BEFORE_TAB: please, no space before tabs
10 25546 CHECK:AVOID_EXTERNS: extern prototypes should be avoided in .h files
11 25384 WARNING:SPACING: space prohibited between function name and open parenthesis '('
12 25209 WARNING:SPLIT_STRING: quoted string split across lines
13 21410 WARNING:NETWORKING_BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: networking block comments don't use an empty /* line, use /* Comment...
14 20210 WARNING:SPACING: Missing a blank line after declarations
15 19881 CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
16 18045 ERROR:SPACING: space prohibited after that open parenthesis '('
17 17009 ERROR:COMPLEX_MACRO: Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parenthesis
18 16674 ERROR:SPACING: space prohibited before that close parenthesis ')'
19 14364 ERROR:SPACING: space required before the open parenthesis '('
20 13331 ERROR:TRAILING_STATEMENTS: trailing statements should be on next line
21 12619 CHECK:BRACES: braces {} should be used on all arms of this statement
22 12605 CHECK:FSF_MAILING_ADDRESS: Do not include the paragraph about writing to the Free Software Foundation's mailing address from the sample GPL notice. The
23 11194 ERROR:SPACING: spaces prohibited around that ':' (ctx:WxW)
24 10192 ERROR:OPEN_BRACE: that open brace { should be on the previous line
25 9941 WARNING:PREFER_PR_LEVEL: Prefer [subsystem eg: netdev]_err([subsystem]dev, ... then dev_err(dev, ... then pr_err(... to printk(KERN_ERR ...
26 9355 CHECK:BRACES: Blank lines aren't necessary after an open brace '{'
27 9215 WARNING:NEW_TYPEDEFS: do not add new typedefs
28 8733 ERROR:POINTER_LOCATION: "foo * bar" should be "foo *bar"
29 8129 WARNING:PRINTK_WITHOUT_KERN_LEVEL: printk() should include KERN_ facility level
30 7676 WARNING:BRACES: braces {} are not necessary for single statement blocks
31 7339 CHECK:LOGICAL_CONTINUATIONS: Logical continuations should be on the previous line
32 7247 ERROR:ASSIGN_IN_IF: do not use assignment in if condition
33 6918 WARNING:NETWORKING_BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: networking block comments put the trailing */ on a separate line
34 6750 ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that '=' (ctx:VxV)
35 6446 WARNING:SPACING: space prohibited before semicolon
36 6289 WARNING:PREFER_PR_LEVEL: Prefer [subsystem eg: netdev]_info([subsystem]dev, ... then dev_info(dev, ... then pr_info(... to printk(KERN_INFO ...
37 6276 CHECK:MULTIPLE_ASSIGNMENTS: multiple assignments should be avoided
38 6204 WARNING:VOLATILE: Use of volatile is usually wrong: see Documentation/volatile-considered-harmful.txt
39 5921 CHECK:BRACES: Blank lines aren't necessary before a close brace '}'
40 5262 WARNING:QUOTED_WHITESPACE_BEFORE_NEWLINE: unnecessary whitespace before a quoted newline
41 5050 WARNING:NETWORKING_BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: networking block comments start with * on subsequent lines
42 4740 WARNING:PREFER_PR_LEVEL: Prefer [subsystem eg: netdev]_warn([subsystem]dev, ... then dev_warn(dev, ... then pr_warn(... to printk(KERN_WARNING ...
43 4409 WARNING:PREFER_PR_LEVEL: Prefer [subsystem eg: netdev]_dbg([subsystem]dev, ... then dev_dbg(dev, ... then pr_debug(... to printk(KERN_DEBUG ...
44 4248 ERROR:SPACING: space required after that close brace '}'
45 4237 ERROR:POINTER_LOCATION: "foo* bar" should be "foo *bar"
46 4224 WARNING:EXPORT_SYMBOL: EXPORT_SYMBOL(foo); should immediately follow its function/variable
47 4164 ERROR:RETURN_PARENTHESES: return is not a function, parentheses are not required
49 3651 CHECK:USLEEP_RANGE: usleep_range is preferred over udelay; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt
50 3597 WARNING:AVOID_EXTERNS: externs should be avoided in .c files
51 3515 WARNING:SPACING: Unnecessary space before function pointer arguments
52 3241 ERROR:ELSE_AFTER_BRACE: else should follow close brace '}'
53 2995 WARNING:MEMORY_BARRIER: memory barrier without comment
54 2713 ERROR:SPACING: space prohibited before that close square bracket ']'
55 2337 ERROR:POINTER_LOCATION: "(foo*)" should be "(foo *)"
56 2329 CHECK:UNCOMMENTED_DEFINITION: spinlock_t definition without comment
57 2298 WARNING:PREFER_PACKED: __packed is preferred over __attribute__((packed))
58 2180 ERROR:OPEN_BRACE: open brace '{' following struct go on the same line
59 2032 CHECK:REDUNDANT_CODE: if this code is redundant consider removing it
60 2017 ERROR:SPACING: space prohibited after that open square bracket '['
61 1945 WARNING:BRACES: braces {} are not necessary for any arm of this statement
62 1898 WARNING:MSLEEP: msleep < 20ms can sleep for up to 20ms; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt
63 1884 WARNING:MISSING_BREAK: Possible switch case/default not preceeded by break or fallthrough comment
64 1869 WARNING:CONSTANT_CONVERSION: __constant_cpu_to_le32 should be cpu_to_le32
65 1855 WARNING:PREFER_ETHER_ADDR_COPY: Prefer ether_addr_copy() over memcpy() if the Ethernet addresses are __aligned(2)
66 1800 WARNING:SUSPECT_CODE_INDENT: suspect code indent for conditional statements (8, 12)
67 1779 ERROR:SPACING: space required after that ',' (ctx:VxO)
68 1773 ERROR:BRACKET_SPACE: space prohibited before open square bracket '['
69 1664 WARNING:INDENTED_LABEL: labels should not be indented
70 1620 ERROR:SPACING: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
71 1594 CHECK:SPACING: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxV)
72 1519 ERROR:SPACING: space required before the open brace '{'
73 1414 WARNING:STATIC_CONST_CHAR_ARRAY: static const char * array should probably be static const char * const
74 1392 ERROR:SPACING: space required after that ';' (ctx:VxV)
75 1376 WARNING:PREFER_SEQ_PUTS: Prefer seq_puts to seq_printf
76 1363 WARNING:DEEP_INDENTATION: Too many leading tabs - consider code refactoring
77 1328 CHECK:UNCOMMENTED_DEFINITION: struct mutex definition without comment
78 1316 ERROR:INITIALISED_STATIC: do not initialise statics to 0 or NULL
79 1287 WARNING:LINE_CONTINUATIONS: Avoid unnecessary line continuations
80 1239 ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that '<' (ctx:VxV)
81 1181 ERROR:SWITCH_CASE_INDENT_LEVEL: switch and case should be at the same indent
82 1129 ERROR:MULTISTATEMENT_MACRO_USE_DO_WHILE: Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while loop
83 1036 WARNING:PREFER_PR_LEVEL: Prefer pr_warn(... to pr_warning(...
84 942 ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that '==' (ctx:VxV)
85 941 WARNING:INCLUDE_LINUX: Use #include <linux/io.h> instead of <asm/io.h>
86 906 WARNING:CONSIDER_KSTRTO: simple_strtoul is obsolete, use kstrtoul instead
87 836 ERROR:SPACING: spaces prohibited around that ':' (ctx:WxV)
88 805 WARNING:PREFER_PR_LEVEL: Prefer [subsystem eg: netdev]_notice([subsystem]dev, ... then dev_notice(dev, ... then pr_notice(... to printk(KERN_NOTICE ..
89 803 ERROR:SPACING: space prohibited after that '!' (ctx:BxW)
90 787 ERROR:SPACING: space required before that '-' (ctx:OxV)
91 776 ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxW)
92 765 WARNING:INCLUDE_LINUX: Use #include <linux/uaccess.h> instead of <asm/uaccess.h>
93 759 CHECK:INVALID_UTF8: Invalid UTF-8, patch and commit message should be encoded in UTF-8
94 754 ERROR:SPACING: space required before that '&' (ctx:OxV)
95 723 WARNING:SINGLE_STATEMENT_DO_WHILE_MACRO: Single statement macros should not use a do {} while (0) loop
96 710 CHECK:ARCH_INCLUDE_LINUX: Consider using #include <linux/io.h> instead of <asm/io.h>
97 707 ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that '=' (ctx:VxW)
98 691 WARNING:CVS_KEYWORD: CVS style keyword markers, these will _not_ be updated
99 644 WARNING:SUSPECT_CODE_INDENT: suspect code indent for conditional statements (2, 4)
100 641 ERROR:OPEN_BRACE: open brace '{' following function declarations go on the next line

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