Re: [PATCH] regulator: anatop: add is_enabled interface

From: Anson.Huang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue Dec 17 2013 - 08:10:21 EST

Sent from Anson's iPhone

> 在 2013年12月17日,21:00,"Mark Brown" <broonie@xxxxxxxxxx> 写道:
> On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:38:33PM +0000, Anson.Huang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> better to add the error checking there wouldn't it?
>> Okay, than what about other functions? there is such condition check
>> there is other functions too, that is why I add it here. if you think
>> it is no necessary, I will remove this check in my patch?
> It shouldn't be in the other functions either.

got it, I will remove it later.

>>> This sounds like you need to have some higher level synchronisation
>>> between whatever is managing this supply and your cpufreq driver - if
>>> you rely on reading back the current status from the hardware there will
>>> always be races between reading the state and the other thing doing the
>>> enable or disable.
>> yes, you are right. but I think we have handled that, all the
>> operations of this LDO will via regulator interface, and regulator
>> framework already has mutex lock. so there should be no such race in
>> kernel as long as we all use regulator interface to access anatop LDO.
> No, that's not going to work. Consider this sequence:
> cpufreq other driver
> disable()
> is_enabled()
> enable()
> The locking the regulator core does won't help you here, nothing stops
> the state of the regulator changing after it's read. Your cpufreq
> driver should just change the voltage and not worry if the regulator is
> enabled, the voltage change won't have any effect while the regulator is
> off and presumably if it does get enabled then it needs to be enabled at
> whatever voltage cpufreq set anyway.
> In any case I'd be much happier with this patch if it implemented the
> enable and disable operations as well.

understand now. then maybe I should remove the PU check in cpufreq, although setting PU LDO if it is off before would bring unnessary power leak. I will add all these changes together with the dynamic PU LDO management feature, thanks for your time!韬{.n?????%?lzwm?b?Р骒r?zXЩ??{ay????j?f"?????ア?⒎?:+v???????赙zZ+????"?!?O???v??m?鹈 n?帼Y&—