Re: 3.9.4 Oops running xfstests (WAS Re: 3.9.3: Oops runningxfstests)

From: CAI Qian
Date: Tue Jun 04 2013 - 00:57:17 EST

> Cai, I did ask you for the information that would have answered this
> question:
> > > 3. if you can't reproduce it like that, does it reproduce on
> > > an xfstest run on a pristine system? If so, what command
> > > line are you running, and what are the filesystem
> > > configurations?
> So, I need xfstests command line and the xfs_info output from the
> filesystems in use at the time this problem occurs..
Here you are.
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# a=`grep ' swap' /etc/fstab | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# b=`grep ' /home' /etc/fstab | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# swapoff -a
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# umount /home
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# echo "swap = $a"
swap = /dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-swap
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# echo "home = $b"
home = /dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-home
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# export TEST_DEV=$a
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# export TEST_DIR=/mnt/testarea/test
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# export SCRATCH_DEV=$b
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# export SCRATCH_MNT=/mnt/testarea/scratch
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# mkdir -p /mnt/testarea/test
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# mkdir -p /mnt/testarea/scratch
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]#
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# mkfs.xfs -f $a
meta-data=/dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-swap isize=256 agcount=4, agsize=251904 blks
= sectsz=512 attr=2, projid32bit=0
data = bsize=4096 blocks=1007616, imaxpct=25
= sunit=0 swidth=0 blks
naming =version 2 bsize=4096 ascii-ci=0
log =internal log bsize=4096 blocks=2560, version=2
= sectsz=512 sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none extsz=4096 blocks=0, rtextents=0
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# mkfs.xfs -f $b
meta-data=/dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-home isize=256 agcount=4, agsize=11701504 blks
= sectsz=512 attr=2, projid32bit=0
data = bsize=4096 blocks=46806016, imaxpct=25
= sunit=0 swidth=0 blks
naming =version 2 bsize=4096 ascii-ci=0
log =internal log bsize=4096 blocks=22854, version=2
= sectsz=512 sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none extsz=4096 blocks=0, rtextents=0

[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]#
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# mount /dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-home /mnt/testarea/scratch
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]#
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# mount /dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-swap /mnt/testarea/test
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# xfs_info $a
meta-data=/dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-swap isize=256 agcount=4, agsize=251904 blks
= sectsz=512 attr=2
data = bsize=4096 blocks=1007616, imaxpct=25
= sunit=0 swidth=0 blks
naming =version 2 bsize=4096 ascii-ci=0
log =internal bsize=4096 blocks=2560, version=2
= sectsz=512 sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none extsz=4096 blocks=0, rtextents=0
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# xfs_info $b
meta-data=/dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-home isize=256 agcount=4, agsize=11701504 blks
= sectsz=512 attr=2
data = bsize=4096 blocks=46806016, imaxpct=25
= sunit=0 swidth=0 blks
naming =version 2 bsize=4096 ascii-ci=0
log =internal bsize=4096 blocks=22854, version=2
= sectsz=512 sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none extsz=4096 blocks=0, rtextents=0
[root@hp-z210-01 xfstests-dev]# ./check 20
FSTYP -- xfs (non-debug)
PLATFORM -- Linux/x86_64 hp-z210-01 3.9.4
MKFS_OPTIONS -- -f -bsize=4096 /dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-home
MOUNT_OPTIONS -- -o context=system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0 /dev/mapper/rhel_hp--z210--01-home /mnt/testarea/scratch
020 <crashed immediately...>
CAI Qian
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