Re: [PATCH v2] ARM: tegra: expose chip ID and revision

From: Stephen Warren
Date: Tue Mar 12 2013 - 15:45:25 EST

On 03/12/2013 01:10 PM, Arnd Bergmann wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 March 2013, Stephen Warren wrote:
>>> You are dropping the soc_dev on the floor here by just returning.
>>> The idea of the soc node is to have all on-soc components be children
>>> of that node, so you should instead pass it into of_platform_populate
>>> as the parent device.
>> Tegra DTs don't have a separate node for on-soc vs. off-soc components.
>> Wouldn't passing soc_dev into of_platform_populate() make everything a
>> child of this soc_dev; is that what we want?
> Yes, we had long discussions about this when the soc infrastructure was
> merged. Right now, everything is a child of /sys/devices/platform/,
> basically saying that all devices are random stuff that cannot be
> probed. Moving it to /sys/devices/soc0 would not make the hierarchy
> any deeper but show much clearer which devices are part of the
> soc, and which ones are added as anonymous platform devices by code
> that does not use DT based probing. Ideally the second category is
> empty.

OK, that makes sense.

Danny, in that case, the initialization of this SoC object should
definitely happen inside tegra_init_fuse(), which is called from
tegra_init_early(), so that mach-tegra/tegra.c:tegra_dt_init() can call
a function in fuse.c to retrieve that SoC object in order to pass it
into of_platform_populate().
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