Problems with late 3.8-rc5 and 3.8-rc6 on i686

From: Bruno Wolff III
Date: Fri Feb 01 2013 - 15:20:47 EST

I have been testing 3.8 kernels on Fedora. The last good kernel was 3.8.0-0.rc5.git1.1.fc19.i686.PAE. I tested 3.8.0-0.rc5.git2.1.fc19.i686.PAE, 3.8.0-0.rc5.git3.1.fc19.i686 and 3.8.0-0.rc6.git0.1.fc19.i686.PAE and found these all had two odd effects.

One is that the rtkit-daemon service fails to start up and the other is that there are issues with X. One one machine with an rv280 based video card the background image doesn't show up in gdm and I can't enter a password in gdm. C-A-F2 does get me back to a vt. On another machine with a nv28 based video card I get the Oh no something went wrong page, but again I can still use C-A-F2 to get to a vt.

On an x86_64 machine I have tested through 3.8.0-0.rc5.git2.1.fc19.x86_64 and am not seeing either of these issues.
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