Re: 71ca97da9d overrides user's kernel config

From: Vladimir 'Ï-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko
Date: Fri Jun 01 2012 - 14:14:50 EST

> Yes, but I wonder if they should *also* be renamed, actually.
> Those names are disgusting and unreadable, because the "MAC" part
> mixes with the actual name of the codepage. I really have a hard time
> reading something like MACROMANIAN, because to me it looks like it
> starts with "MACRO". It's just a bad name.

I agree. It was something I've seen used as charset name but quick
websearch shows better alternatives like "Mac Romanian", "Mac OS
Romanian". Should I rename the charsets themselves as well?

> Also, the CODEPAGE part adds questionable value. I wonder if we should
> (a) remove the CODEPAGE part, (b) add an underscore between "MAC" and
> the name, and for the microsoft numeric codepages, do the same just to
> be consistent. IOW, use config names like NLS_DOS_1250 and

I'm ok with changing my newly-added charsets but I think that there is
no reason to rename already existing ones. It would just add a bunch of
new questions at reconfigure not corresponding to any real
functionality. Also, I believe, that the whole reason of NLS codepage
tables to exist is the ability to read old volumes and marginally the
ability to interchange data with old OS in a best available way. The
least it used for any purpose outside speaking with old OS or touching
old volumes, the better.
I'll prepare 2 patches: cleanup, config rename and codepage rename.
Vladimir 'Ï-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko

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