Re: Fwd: libata-pmp patch for 3.2.x and later for eSATA Port MultiplierSil3726

From: ANEZAKI, Akira
Date: Thu Mar 22 2012 - 04:17:04 EST

Sorry for my poor English.
And I used wrong mail address.

(2012/03/22 13:36), ANEZAKI, Akira wrote:
> 3.2.x kernel sometimes breaks metadata and I have to fix them. I feel it
> strange and cannot understand that the kernel sometimes breaks
> metadatas/superblocks of RAIDs/file systems those don't include any HDDs
> those don't connected to any PMP.
... the kernel sometimes breaks metadata/superblock of RAID/file system.
The kernel may break them even if those don't include a HDD that is
connected to a PMP.

is correct.

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