HID device calibration - how to override mapping?

From: Enrico Mattea
Date: Fri Jan 13 2012 - 10:46:22 EST

Hello all,

I have a HID device (racing pedals) and a problem with it.

In short, one of the three axes of the device (the clutch pedal) sends raw values differently from the other two; in the sense that gas and brake pedal return +32767 to 0 to -32767 (from released to halfway to fully pressed), while the clutch pedal sends 0 to -32767 to +32767 to 0 (from released (0) to halfway (-32767), then the value jumps to +32767, then decreases again to 0 when fully pressed).

This obviously makes it impossible to properly calibrate the axis for anything, because of the "jump" at halfway and of the equality of min and max returned values.

As nobody seems to be complaining about this anywhere, I think that the (windows only) pedals' driver acts on the clutch value in some way at kernel level, "interpreting" it correctly.

So please, is there a way to do something similar - what I'm thinking about is remapping the values (at HID kernel driver level) - so that the values are interpreted correctly by the kernel?

Thank you very much in advance,
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