Re: loading firmware while usermodehelper disabled.

From: Oliver Neukum
Date: Tue Jan 03 2012 - 06:56:04 EST

Am Dienstag, 3. Januar 2012, 01:42:20 schrieb Alan Cox:
> In that case however you don't want some generic firmware module knowing
> all this crap, your driver can just request_firmware() the stuff as
> modprobe and free it up on the module unload. For a typical 8bit firmware
> of a few K you'll free a ton more memory unloading the module than the
> firmware ! That I think actually covers the majority of devices under
> discussion.

I am afraid it doesn't, at least not fully.
We have many devices whose primary (operational) driver does not load
the firmware. That job is left to a secondary driver or user space.

We could leave those secondary drivers and their firmware in RAM after
their primary usage and except for a few pathological cases (which
can be solved with a few udev rules preventively loading drivers) we'd
be good, but we lack a mechanism for switching to a seconary driver
and back during resumption.

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