Re: kernel bug in XFS or megaraid driver with heavy I/O load

From: Michael Monnerie
Date: Mon Oct 24 2011 - 12:56:05 EST

On Montag, 17. Oktober 2011 jesper@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> Over the weekend, we have run memtest for 4 hours (50% of the
> complete tests according to memtest) and it didnt find anything.

This is a bit OT, but you *must* run at least one full loop of memtest
in order to have significant output. I've had PCs that only broke on
test 7, and sometimes even a PC could run 2-3 loops before a bad bit was
found on the 4th loop or so. Only if there's a nasty error, like a
physically broken mainboard, you'll gets errors quickly.

Despite that, I think your problem is not memory based, as you said you
use ECC, and I'd believe you've turned on background scrubbing.

mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Michael Monnerie, Ing. BSc

it-management Internet Services: Protéger [gesprochen: Prot-e-schee]
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