Re: Very strange data loss with jsm driver

From: Breno Leitao
Date: Tue Aug 02 2011 - 10:19:03 EST

On 07/29/2011 03:13 PM, Lennart Sorensen wrote:

It seems it can't be the tty layer, since other serial drivers seem to
work fine. It has to be the jsm.
Well, I finally tested it over here, and what I found is:

If the line has a \r among the first 16 bytes, then the information
is TXed immediately. If there is no \r in the first 16 bytes, then the
information seems to be buffered.

So, it seems that that the patch should ask the driver to TX the
information when we receive a \r or when the buffer is full. Does it
make sense to you ?


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