Re: Changing Kernel thread priorities

From: Remy Bohmer
Date: Sat Jun 11 2011 - 13:39:45 EST


> No, it's not. The root cause was a problem with the network softirq
> and a network driver, the softirq ->49 was a temporary workaround
> until we had enough information to find the real root cause. I wish
> I'd never committed that change at all.

Clear. Did not know it was already solved. I thought it was still an
issue. This changes things :-)

>> Race conditions that occur when a softirq preempts a related hardirq
>> what the driver did not expect or was designed for.
> And making it the other way round hides the problem, which is even
> worse. We want stuff to explode right away.

100% Agreed

> You can run into the same
> problem when the softirq holds a lock and the high prio irq thread
> boosts it.


Thanks for the explanation. I see no reason any more why setting the
prios default to 1 would be a bad thing.
The rest of the configuration in that case can then indeed done be
done by udev and other userland friends.

Kind regards,

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